
Need More Champions Like Her
A Blessing in so Many Ways
We cannot say “enough good” about Marci and Emmy’s Place. They have been a godsend to us in so many ways. My dear friend had her children taken away from her. I was trying to help in any way I could, but quickly realized that I was in over my head as the court system was foreign to me. I panicked and left 3 legal aid organizations my phone number after briefly describing the situation hoping that one would reply. Fortunately, Marci replied and I liked her right away. She was very forthcoming with information and she was the “perfect” person for my friend. My friend was devastated to say the least, and God swept in with an angel to encourage her and direct her along the way, that angel was Marci. She has shown stamina, patience and determination. I would have given up a long time ago if it wasn’t for her. The court process has been extremely hard and stressful on my friend. No one should ever have to go through this. Marci actually got in her car at 5:30 a.m. and drove for 2 hours to meet my friend at the court for her 8:00 a.m. hearing. She was my friend’s legal advocate and support in the court. We honestly don’t know what we would do without her. It’s because of her that we are donating to Emmy’s Place as often as we can. She has done “so much” at “no cost” on my friend’s behalf.
We are hoping that many more will start donating to help her cause. She is the only one who has shown us any kind of attention. Marci has gone to great lengths to reassure my friend, help her cope with the situation she is in and understand the court system that seems to have no end. Thanks to Emmy’s Place we know it will have an end. Thank you Emmy’s Place. You have truly been a blessing in so many ways.
– Terri
Guided with Compassion
Marci is amazing. She has taken the time to really get to know me and is very knowledgeable in her field. She has guided me with compassion and has given me hope!
Gift of Encouragement and Hope
Dear Marci:
You have given me the gift of encouragement and hope in a difficult time. I was so touched by all the support you’ve given me. You are a rare kind of generous.
Thanks a million for all your help & support.
Huge Weight Lifted
Dear Emmy’s Place,
I just wanted to thank you so much for helping me with my divorce case. I was doing this on my own because my divorce is not complicated but all that did was give me unwanted and unneeded stress. Your help was a HUGE weight that was lifted off my shoulders and I cannot thank you enough for everything that you have done. You are the best!!
– JH
Hope Restored
I want to give testimony about Marci and her organization Emmy’s Place that works in partnership with Christian Legal Aid. I was previously on the intercessory prayer team at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. I saw firsthand how so many families were being torn apart through our legal system. My father was an attorney so I grew up with a lot of understanding of the law. However, it is an entirely different situation when you are actually going through the process. Many, many families who are in need, are being financially, emotionally and spiritually devastated by not having “spiritual” guidance and support through the legal process. My particular situation had me travel through many different types of courts (family and civil) and see firsthand the brokenness and sometimes the hopelessness of our legal system. Marci’s assistance gave me back that hope. I believe strongly in what Marci (and Emmy’s Place) is doing.
When a civil case I was involved in snowballed, I ended up over my head in the legal process. Then I met this remarkable woman at an Orange County Christian Legal Aid Clinic at Calvary Chapel Westgrove. She came out to talk with me, saw a cart overloaded with legal files and knew exactly what I needed. I was connected to a wonderful Christian attorney (Zac) from Christian Legal Aid of Orange County.
Emmy’s Place continued to walk alongside me after the clinic. Although I had been in the courts for years, my case turned around when Marci explained what document was important for me to obtain and review. I finally had an understanding of what was occurring in the court. Marci knew from hands-on experience exactly what I was feeling and what I was going through. She not only had the wisdom but she had the knowledge in the exact warfare of what I was experiencing. While God chooses whether He changes circumstances, Marci’s experience of having walked a similar path allowed me to step out in hope.
I knew Marci had a special call and a very needed ministry. She joined me in remembering who has the situation under control – our God. I witnessed her experience and readiness to assist through Emmy’s Place. The church needs to have an Emmy’s Place in their midst. My case was going to be terminated and Marci knew exactly to whom she believed and gave me the courage to step out and trust Him no matter the outcome. She is an answer to prayer and I hope the church will see beyond and invest in this most vital need. I’m grateful to Calvary Chapel Westgrove in bringing this needed legal resource.
– Jackie W
Hope in A Very Dark Time
Emmy’s Place has been an amazing help and saving grace. They provided hope in a very dark and scary time of my life. Their support, unconditional love and care gave me the courage to keep moving forward in a positive direction.
I’m so thankful for their kindness, compassionate management of my case, and the attorney who provided representation. Emmy’s Place brought my family needed resources while walking alongside me at a time when I didn’t know where to go and what to do. They have been a godsend.
Hope for the Journey
Marci was such a blessing to me, she walked with me at my lowest point in grief when I lost the father of my children. She uplifted me with the faith of our Lord and helped me on my journey to find housing and resources. She provided me with caring counsel and gave me hope for my journey.~ Samantha E.
Divine Appointment
My name is Kyle. About 3 years ago my wife of 13 years passed away suddenly. Although I was plugged into a church community and even led the greeting team, I completely fell apart. It felt like if I allowed myself to feel the full weight of her loss it would crush me. It was at this time I began using drugs. During the tumultuous time in my life, my son, whom I love above all things, was removed from my care and placed with a court appointed caretaker. The loss of my son put things into sharp perspective and I immediately went into a program and began working on my court ordered service plan to regain custody of him.
Through the Children’s Ministry Leader at my church, Marci entered my life. She has bolstered my faith in immeasurable ways. We spoke on the phone first and she agreed to accompany me to my next court hearing. To be honest, I though she was going to help me with legal advice and that is the only reason I contacted her initially. She cannot give you legal advice, but she gives you so much more. Within 15 minutes of meeting her outside of the courtroom, I knew it was a divine appointment. As we sat getting acquainted with one another, I found myself looking up and thanking God. It was obvious that Marci was a clear expression of His love for me.
If you’re going through this you know that not only are the court procedures terribly confusing to the layperson, it’s also essential that you have a clear understanding of what is taking place. Marci knows the ins and outs of court procedure and knows how to read and help you understand the court terminology. Again, she won’t give you legal advice, but she will walk you through things that are difficult to understand. The comfort you will find from her presence is invaluable, much like the comfort I find in music. When a lyricist finds those perfect words to capture how I feel, I’m caught up in the artistry and I no longer feel alone. One of my favorite song lyrics says “a spec of light can reignite the sun and swallow darkness whole”; Marci is that spec of light. I would encourage anybody that is going through a storm like this to first fall before the Lord and ask for His wisdom, but the second thing I would encourage them to do is connect with Marci. She brings joy to emotionally charged situations that you never expected to find joy in. One thing I can guarantee you is that you won’t regret meeting this remarkable woman of God.
Kyle K., forgiven sinner at Rock Harbor Church, Costa Mesa
Gentle Warrior
I met Marci through a program at my church. She graciously volunteers her time there as a sponsor for the program. Initially I thought having a sponsor wasn’t going to make a difference. I had been down this road before, listening to well meaning people at church trying to help. It always ended in more confusion. It was a different experience with Marci. She came alongside me during my struggle. She didn’t talk at me or tell me what to do. She listened. She was there. She’s consistent. She cares. She was present and patient with me as the Holy Spirit performed His good works. She kept me on track. Marci is a true Angel from Heaven. She is gifted with being firm yet gentle as she guided, talked with me and walked with me down the Lord’s path. Her prayers are powerful! Don’t let her leave without praying over you. She is a gentle warrior. She’s been right where you are. God has sent her.
– C