949-939-8932 marci@emmysplace.org

Get Involved

Join Emmy’s Place and help improve access to justice

Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love.

-Martin Luther King Jr

Have you seen the impact of justice issues and can share your story? We need you.

Are you ready to advocate for change and promote access to justice? We need you.

Do you resonate with our cause and have the time, talent or financial resources to giveWe need you.

Become a Social Justice Advocate

We all have the inherent ability to advocate. A Social Justice Advocate serves as a voice in our communities, educates our legislators on issues facing the most vulnerable, and stands by individuals in times of need.

We need social justice advocates who can:

  • Develop letter campaigns.
  • Ensure accountability by raising awareness, through group forums, of the obstacles faced by the most vulnerable in accessing services.
  • Inform our communities on justice issues affecting our neighbors.
  • Share real stories of the impact on lives when supportive services are inaccessible and walk alongside those in need.
  • Mobilize groups to share ideas of how we can become a more effective and collective voice and implement these ideas into action.

Organize the Cause

If you have time, you can help.

We need people to:

  • Raise awareness through social media.
  • Mobilize groups concerned with the effects barriers to justice have on the most vulnerable and develop ideas for practical solutions.
  • Share ideas of how we can become an effective and collective voice to support those suffering the effects of the justice gap.
  • Mobilize around those suffering the effects of a broken system to ensure they know they are not alone. 

Research and Education

We need volunteers to research the biggest challenges facing those needing access to our justice system and it’s implications, and the effects of intersectionality of gender, race, ethnicity, poverty and education. This research will aid us in creating visibility of the issues facing those in our communities. It also allows us to effectively provide information to our legislators and communities and advocate for solutions.

Become a Prayer Partner

Prayer is the foundation for spiritual healing and ministry.

We need people to:

  • Coordinate and/or join a bi-monthly intercessory prayer network.
  • Support those involved in the ministry through prayer.
  • Pray for women and children at the courthouse and/or provide spiritual support at court hearings.
  • Arrange prayer parties to provide intercessory prayer and to write prayer cards to those in need.

Church Involvement

Many women and children living with the affects of abuse sit silent in their churches each Sunday feeling shame, unworthiness and imperfection believing that they somehow caused their circumstances. There are countless more sitting outside the church’s four walls feeling isolated.  The result is the same, a feeling of alienation from immediate family, church, and the faith community. As the church, we need to advance the gospel both inside, but just as importantly, outside our walls as we ensure justice for our neighbors as well as those within our church.

There are practical ways the church can become involved:

  • Work with Emmy’s Place to develop catalystic gospel centers to strategically reach our communities in need with the hope of the gospel.
  • Provide a space in your church to operate a monthly, four-hour, justice center.
  • Engage in the issues of those unable to receive meaningful access to our justice system. Speak about these issues with your congregations so your community may be prompted to serve as well as communicate the hope and healing that is found in Jesus Christ.
  • Discuss “justice” topics relative to scripture in your small groups and Bible studies.

Attorney – For Our Partner Justice Center

We need attorneys at all experience levels that are willing to provide practical compassionate assistance. No specialized subject matter is required. The attorney should be able to commit to one regularly scheduled monthly clinic time, typically 4 hours on a Saturday morning twice per year.

Give Resources

We need financial and practical resources to improve access to justice and support those in need. Your donations will be used to provide a live/work space to expand our work, to ensure impactful advocacy campaigns, to assist with needed services and to ease costs for those in need so they may be empowered to realize their potential.  If you or your business want to donate, please contact us and we would love to speak further with you.